Thursday, June 18, 2009

Darwin's Theory #1: Program yourself ???

First blog post EVER! OK. Here I am 43 years old and 300 pounds. I feel bad, have high blood pressure, high cholestorol, blood sugar tetering towards diabetes and I am just generally out of shape. So, now it is time to get busy. I just listened to a sales pitch to program myself to lose weight. For the low low price of OH, I don't know a gagillion dollars. I think all this diet stuff is hogwash. No magic pill, no superdiet and no drink 3 gallons of the nastiest stuff you have ever tasted and drop 20 pounds this weekend! It can't be as hard as it seems to lose the weight. Eat right do a little exercise and you have to start feeling better. I am going to target 200 pounds. A full one hundred pounds before January 31st, 2010. Tomorrow I am going to post before pictures and slowly but surely I am going to share in my weight loss journey. I have a personal trainer that will help teach me how to exercise again. I will tell everyone what I eat, drink and how much and what kind of exercise I do. We'll set small goals, maybe a 5k run in six weeks. Half marathon this fall? We'll see how this goes. If you decide you want to join me on the journey, make sure your doctor says it is cool. Let me know how you are doing and what you are trying. Maybe together we can make it happen...

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